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Get lifetime access to 10 hours of class instruction given at the March 2021 Go APE Aural Piano Tuning System conference.

Each of these classes begins at the very beginning, giving you all the basic information needed to understand piano tuning theory. Then, the classes quickly go into explaining the incredibly accurate, Precise, and Efficient Go A.P.E. Aural Piano Tuning System which gives successful students concert level piano tuning in months, not years!

Included in these videos are classes on:

  • Basic Piano Theory
    Learn a simple way of knowing what note you are tuning, and what note to tune next. This method works for people who do not have a strong theory background; it cuts through the red tape and gets you what you want to know without all the extra unnecessary information. 
    Included in this class are explanations of harmonics, coincident partials, and check notes.
  • Inharmonicity
    It's what makes pianos unique and why no two pianos are ever tuned exactly the same way.
    Learn what inharmonicity is and how to measure it with your ears so you know for certain which sequence to use to tune the temperament octave so there are no audible errors at all, after only one pass!
  • Stability
    If your unisons aren't stable, it doesn't matter how good they were, no one will think you are a very good tuner, period. You have to conquer this skill!
  • Temperament
    The more accurate, precise, and efficient your temperament sequence is, the better your tunings will be, the faster you will be at tuning them, and the more money you will be able to make.
  • Stretch
    The Go APE stretch has the most pure intervals of any tuning system, any, especially ETDs. This is where the aural tuning system beats the ETDs the most. Multiple pure intervals means everything sings.
  • Pitch Raises
    No more rough passes. 20 to 30 cent pitch raises will be so easy, you won't even bother charging your customers because pitch raises will be so easy for you. You still could though. Everyone else would. But that's because it would take them so long, but the final result wouldn't be close to what you can do with the Go A.P.E. Aural Piano Tuning System for more Accurate, Precise, and Efficient aural piano tunings.

"Concert level piano tunings in months, not years!"

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