
I began developing the Go A.P.E. Aural Piano Tuning System for more Accurate, Precise, and Efficient aural tunings years ago when I was frustrated with the results I was getting using traditional methods and nobody was able to explain to me how to get better aural results. All they would say is tune 1000 pianos.

Well, that wasn't good enough for me. (Ya, I'm a bit of a rebel there.)

Anyway, when I started measuring my own tunings using a band pass filter, I was able to see that my tunings were not as good as I thought they were. That was a slap in the face.

When I started developing a more accurate method, I found out why more people did not have an accurate method - we can't use a more accurate method if we are only tuning single strings; the feedback is not precise enough.

That's when I discovered the precision of tuning two strings at once.

Now that I have developed the Go APE system and use it for all my tunings, I am able to charge what I want for tunings, I'm no longer insecure about my ability. If customers don't want to pay my high prices, I know it's not because my tunings are not good enough. I am also confident to tune any piano, whether it is for a discerning international concert pianist or a world class concert hall, the Go A.P.E. System has me covered.

In 2021, I decided to organize an international online conference where I shared all the knowledge I had developed. Participants were told they would get access to recordings of the classes and that's why I created this website.

Each class has its own webpage and on that page are recordings of each class presented on that subject.

Participants have access to each class they signed up for plus any new recordings that will be added to that class's webpage.

If you are interested in access to these classes, consider becoming a member.

Mark Cerisano, RPT, B.Sc.(Mech.Eng.), Dip.Ed.